Summer 1983...Hinamizawa is a tranquil village, but its inhabitants have been plagued by strange deaths and unexplained disappearances seemingly every year. Some say it's the terrifying curse of Hinamizawa's legendary deity, Oyashiro-sama, causing victims to be spirited away by monsters, but is this town harboring dark, horrying secrets even more sinister than any supersition or myth?
Solution to Onikakushi-hen. Unlike Meakashi-hen, Tsumihoroboshi-hen's story is drastically different from the plot of its Question arc. In Tsumihoroboshi-hen, Rena experiences a situation similar to Keiichi's in Onikakushi-hen, as she makes a terrible mistake and becomes distrustful of her former friends. It is the first chapter with a (seemingly) happy ending, although some tips reveal a sinister twist.
The story is divided into a total of eight chapters: four "Question" arcs and four "Answer" arcs. Each chapter keeps the same main characters, but ends in a different way. However, each chapter gives valuable answers, hints, and clues to the previous one, while at the same time bringing forth even more mysteries.
The question arcs are: Onikakushi-hen, Watanagashi-hen, Tatarigoroshi-hen and Himatsubushi-hen.
The answer arcs are: Meakashi-hen, Tsumihoroboshi-hen, Minagoroshi-hen and Matsuribayashi-hen.
The side story arcs are: Onisarashi-hen, Yoigoshi-hen, and Utsutsukowashi-hen
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